+91 78772 19475 info@zvarichemicals.com



Technical Name: Pendimethalin 30% EC
Mode of Action: Selective Herbicide, absorbed by the roots & leaves
Major Crops: Soybean, cotton, Rice, Wheat
Target Disease: Annual grasses and broad-leaved weeds
Dose/Acre: 1-1.6 Ltr
Presentation Available: 5 Ltr, 1 Ltr, 500 ml, 250 ml


Technical Name: Paraquat Dichloride 24 % SL
Mode of Action: Non-selective contact herbicide
Major Crops: Tea, Potato, Cotton, Grape, Rubber, Sugar Cane, Sunflower, Rice, Wheat, Maize, Apple
Target Disease: Control of broad-leaved weeds and grassesAmaranthus viridis, Euphorbia geniculata.
Dose/Acre: 500-1000 ml
Presentation Available: 5 Ltr, 1 Ltr, 500 ml


Technical Name: 2, 4 D Amine Salt 58% SL
Mode of Action: It appears to work by causing uncontrolled cell division in vascular tissue. Abnormal increases in cell wall plasticity, biosynthesis of proteins, and production of ethylene occur in plant tissues following exposure, and these processes are responsible for uncontrolled cell division. The ester forms of 2, 4-D penetrate foliage, whereas plant roots absorb the salt forms. High concentrations may cause leaf burn and poor translocation leading to poor weed control. Translocated both up and down from the site of application to sources of active growth.
Major Crops: Sorghum, Tea, Potato, Cotton, Grape, Rubber, Sugar Cane, Sunflower, Rice, Wheat, Maize, Apple
Target Disease: 2, 4-D appears to be similar in action to other auxin-type herbicides.
Dose/Acre: 300-350 ml
Presentation Available: , 1 Ltr, 500 ml